Sustainability Transition Assessment Rules for Bio-Based Systems 

Date: 2022 - 2025 | Acronym: STAR4BBS | Funding: HORIZON EUROPE

The overall aim of STAR4BBS is to maximize the potential of Sustainability Certification Schemes (SCS) and labels to support a successful transition to sustainable bio-based economy. STAR4BBS will develop indicators and a new monitoring system for assessing the effectiveness and robustness of existing international and EU SCS, B2B labels, and related traceability systems applicable to biological feedstock and bio-based materials and products.

Sustainable Succinct Acid Production Using an Integrated Electrochemical Bioreactor & Renewable Feedstock

Date: 2023 - 2027 | Acronym: LUCRA | Funding: HORIZON EUROPE / CBE JU (2023-2027)

The purpose of the LUCRA project is the exploitation of the EU’s underutilized and abundant Municipal Solid Waste and Wood waste as feedstocks for the large-scale production of platform building block biobased chemicals, at high yield, with significant industrial end-user interest using a circular bioeconomy biorefinery approach. LUCRA will provide optimized and scalable ‘breakthrough first of a kind’ innovative technology to create a step change from pilot to large-scale integrated fermentation with novel electrochemical extraction of succinic acid (SA) at TRL7 that will facilitate its industrial implementation, business models and market feasibility. This will be achieved by the circular utilization of the mentioned renewable resources as feedstocks which will reduce to a large extent the dependence on fossil resources and achieve at the same time a sustainable SA production route.

Scalable Solutions Optimisation & Decision Tool Creation for Low-Impact SAF Production Chain From a Lipid-Rich Microalgae Strain

Date: 2023 - 2027 | Acronym: COCPIT | Funding: Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action

The purpose of the COCPIT project is to support the large-scale production of microalgae-based fuels for hard-to-electrify sectors. The project will foster the uptake of third-generation biomass sustainable fuels for aviation and shipping through an innovative, circular and comprehensive production process using two different pathways: HEFA (Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids) and HTL (Hydrothermal liquefaction). COCPIT will also develop a decision tool – based on economic, social and environmental indicators – analysing different scenarios that will guide end users to the best solution for their specificities. The tool will be delivered within a comprehensive marketplace, where a range of technological solutions will be at investor’s service.

Marginal agricultural land and climate-resilient and biodiversity-friendly industrial crops for innovative bio-based value chains

Date: 2022—2026 .. | Acronym: MIDAS | Funding: Ηorizon Europe

MIDAS is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action, to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions to grow industrial crops on marginal agricultural land and build sustainable value chains for a wide range of bio-based products.

Demonstrative process for the production and enzymatic recycling of environmentally safe, superior and versatile PHA-bases rigid packaging solutions by plasma integration in the value chain Acronym: BIOSUPPACK

Date: 2020 – 2024 | Funding: Horizon 2020

BioSupPack aims to deliver versatile and competitive bio-based packaging solutions based on PHA suitable for food, cosmetics, homecare and beverage sectors utilizations and to establish a new value chain including the development of logistics and management of both brewery and packaging waste.

Ecofriendly multipurpose biobased products from municipal biowaste

Date: 2020 – 2024 | Acronym: LIFE EBP | Funding: LIFE Programme

LIFE EBP is an environmental pilot project that aims to demonstrate environmental, economic and social benefits of soluble bioproducts (BPs) and insoluble residues (IR) in the sectors of municipal biowaste (MBW) managementagriculture and chemical industry in five European countries (Italy, Cyprus, Greece, France and Spain), taken as case studies.

High Performance Industrial Materials based on Nanocellulose

Date: 2021 – 2023 | Acronym: Hiperion | Funding: Research-Create-Innovate

The purpose of the HIPERION project is the sustainable production of different types of nanocellulose, such as microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), cellulose nanofibers (CNF), nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC), and bacterial nanocellulose (BNC), as well as their utilization for the development and application of high-performance nanocomposite industrial materials.

Enhancing diversity in Mediterranean cereal farming systems

Date: 2020 – 2023 | Acronym: CerealMed | Funding: PRIMA

CerealMed aims to develop new knowledge and technologies to increase favorable biodiversity, sustainability and resilience to stress in wheat and legume production. Through the implementation of biodiversity-based agriculture, CerealMed will improve processes, tools and know-how associated with new and dynamic management for the valorisation of the biodiversity of cereals and legumes grown for food purposes and for the preservation of soil fertility 

Παραγωγή υγρών βιοκαυσίμων υψηλής αειφορίας και προϊόντων προστιθέμενης αξίας από αστικά στερεά απορρίμματα εταιρειών εστίασης

Date: 2020 – 2023 | Acronym: Brew2Bio | Funding: Research-Create-Innovate

The subject of Brew2Bio focuses on the utilization of organic fractions from solid urban waste (waste coffee grounds and squeezed orange peels) for the production of advanced biofuels (e.g., green diesel) and biogenic products for the production of adhesive substances suitable for composite wood products

Valorization of sugar-beet cultivation residues and by-products of sugar manufacturing process for the production of bio-based and biocomposite biodegradable packaging materials

Date: 2020 – 2023 | Acronym: Beet2Bioref | Funding: Research-Create-Innovate

The aim of the Beet2Bioref program is to develop green processes for the production of bio-based plastics for packaging and value-added products (e.g., proteins, pectins) from by-products (pulp), agricultural residues (beet leaves), and sugar/syrup surpluses generated during sugar production from sugar beets.

Development of innovative composite wood products with advanced hydrophobic and antimicrobial properties enhanced with nano-cellulose

Date: 2020-2023 | Acronym: CELL4GLUE | Funding: Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (EPAnEK 2014 – 2020)

A project aims to improve composite wood products by making them hydrophobic, oleophobic, and antimicrobial through nanoprinting and using (nano)cellulose in adhesive resins. This collaboration between three organizations seeks to enhance properties and promote the use of bio-based materials.

Development of cutting-edge technologies for the production of commercially exploitable microbial bioplastics from industrial waste

Date: 2019 – 2022

The project WASTE2PLASTICS was initiated by the need to develop advanced bioprocesses for the management and valorization of industrial wastes/wastewaters and waste biomass into the concept of a circular economy approach. Novel technologies will be developed that will valorize different types of wastes/wastewaters towards bio-based, biodegradable polymers i.e. polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), which upon extraction from the microbial cells and purification will be formulated either to food packaging articles or to eco-friendly and fully biodegradable garbage bags.

Establishment of a pan-european network on the sustainable valorisation of lignin

Date: 2018-2022 | Acronym: LignoCOST | Funding: COST

The main objective of LignoCOST is to establish a sound network covering the entire value chain in which relevant information can be produced with a focus on lignin valorisation towards sustainable industrial applications

Development of a biorefinery for the production of added value products using coffee and citrus wastes

Date: 2018-2021 | Acronym: FOOD INNOVATION, RI | Funding: Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (EPAnEK 2014 – 2020)

FOOD INNOVATION RI is a distributed national research infrastructure of Greece that aims to support research, education and innovation of the Agri-food sector by implementing breakthrough research and providing access to first class facilities, knowledge and advanced services to researchers and professionals from the academic, domestic and industrial sector.

Exploitation of food industry by-products for the production of biogenic biodegradable active food packaging

Date: 2018-2021 | Acronym: ΒΙΟΣΤΡΟΦΗ | Funding: Research-Create-Innovate

Bioconversion of food industry wastes to biopolymers for packaging applications in a biorefinery concept

Date: 2018-2021 | Acronym: Wastes-to-Biopolymenrs | Funding: Research-Create-Innovate

Exploitation of cactus pear fruit and leaves focusing on innovative food applications Opuntia to new product development

Date: 2018-2021 | Acronym: ExploreOpuntia | Funding: Research-Create-Innovate

The present project focuses on the integrated use of Opuntia to produce powders, isolate different colorants, encapsulate mixtures of sugars/colorants, isolate edible oil, and to produce bio-products from the young cladodes (flattened stems)  or nopalitos, from the cactus, seeds fruit and the peels. 

Research Infrastructure For Waste Valorization And Sustainable Management Of Resources

Date: 2017 – 2021 | Acronym: INVALOR | Funding: Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (EPAnEK 2014 – 2020)

Valorization of industrial waste and by-products for the development of innovative bio-refineries

Chemical building blocks from versatile MSW biorefinery

Date: 2017 - 2020 | Acronym: PERCAL | Funding: Horizon 2020

The main aim of PERCAL European project is to develop intermediate chemical products with huge industrial interest (bioethanol, lactic acid, succinic acid and biosurfactants) at high yield and purity, by using the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) as raw material. These products will be used as chemical building blocks to manufacture eco-friendly ethyl lactate, hot melt adhesives, biopolyester-polyols for the production of polyurethanes, as well as the biosurfactants from lipid’s and protein’s remaining fraction of biowaste.

Sustainability transition assessment and research of bio-based products

Date: 2017 – 2020 | Acronym: STAR-ProBio | Funding: Horizon 2020

STAR-ProBio integrates scientific and engineering approaches with social sciences and humanities-based approaches to formulate guidelines for a common framework promoting the development of regulations and standards supporting the adoption of business innovation models in the bio-based products sector.

Biogas and digestate with controlled ammonia content by a virtuous biowaste cycle with integrated biochemical processes

Date: 2017 – 2020 | Acronym: LIFECAB | Funding: LIFE Programme

Biowaste management has become a major issue because of the increasing amount of biowastes. These stem from increasing polulation urbanization and consumption habits. Current biowaste management practices are based on fermentation and incineration technologies. These practices produce biogas, compost, thermal and electrical energy. The processing costs exceed the sale value of the products and/or raise issues connected to their secondary environmental impact. Based on previous research work1 carried out by the University of Torino in cooperation with Acea Pinerolese Spa located in Pinerolo (TO), LIFECAB will demontrate in real operational a new process to treat municipal biowaste (MBW) and produce soluble biorganic substances (SBO). These substances will be used as additives for anaerobic fermentation reactors to improve the economy and environmental impact of the current fermentation technology.

Diseño de biorrefineria mediante la valorizacion de residuos del sector alimentario (Biorefinery design based on the valorisation of food industry waste)

Date: 2014 – 2017

Development of an integrated strategy for reducing the carbon footprint in the food industry sector

Date: 2014 - 2018 | Acronym: LIFE FOODPRINT | Funding: LIFE Programme

New bioprocess for microbial oil from crude glycerol and cellulosic sugars

Date: 2014 - 2015 | Acronym: BIO4OIL | Funding: Διμερής Ε&Τ Συνεργασία Ελλάδας- Γερμανίας

Production of hydrolase enzymes and bifunctional monomers (1,3-PDO, 2,3-BDO and fumaric acid) in order to produce petrochemicals.

Date: 2013 - 2018 | Funding: project funded by Petrobras, Brazil

Food waste valorisation for sustainable chemicals, materials & fuels

Date: 2013 – 2016 | Acronym: EUBis | Funding: FA Cost Action

New tailor-made biopolymers produced from lignocellulosic sugars waste for highly demanding fire-resistant applications

Date: 2012 – 2016 | Acronym: BRIGIT | Funding: Specific Programme "Cooperation": Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology

BRIGIT aims to develop a cost-competitive and environmentally friendly process to produce biopolymers, polyhydroxy butyrate (PHB), polybutylene succinate (PBS), and their copolymers and blends from waste-derived lignocelullosic sugar feedstock liquor from the wood sulfite pulping process.

Biorefinery development for the production of biodegradable polymers and value-added products from by-products of biodiesel production processes

Date: 2011 – 2014 | Acronym: Bioref | Funding: National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) Programme

Valorization of cheese dairy and winery wastes for the production of high added-value products

Date: 2011 – 2014 | Funding: National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) Programme

Development of novel bioprocesses for the production of biofuels from food industry waste streams

Date: 2011 – 2014 | Acronym: Nutri-Fuel | Funding: National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) Programme